About Us

Tubarere Nursery and Primary school was funded by CMF in 2017 and is an independent girls and boys school in the heart of Muhazi sector, Rwamagana.

The school has high expectations that every child reaches their personal and academic potential.

We’re a comprehensive, not -for-profit independent school where our students enjoy a balanced education in a supportive environment.

Our aim is to ensure that parents feel fully involved in the life of the school and are kept up to date with what is going on.

School Governors and PTA

Tubarere Nursery and Primary School is managed by the school Governors and PTA The school Governors meet regularly to discuss all aspects of the school life and these meetings are also attended by the Headmaster.

Child Protection

Every adult in Rwanda has a role in ensuring all our children and young people are safe and protected from harm at all times and in all situations. The headteacher is responsible for the school’s actions in response to Child Protection concerns. If there are any Child Protection concerns the Headteacher or the Child Protection Co-ordinator will inform the chairman.

Safety at Tubarere Nursery and Primary School

To ensure the safety of all pupils, all parents and visitors are asked to enter using the main entrance and to sign in

Adults visiting the school should wait to be escorted by school staff

Parents should be aware of parking restrictions around the school, again in the interest of child safety

First Aid Policy and Procedure

The headmaster is responsible for all medical procedures and medicines in school. Staff are responsible for acting within this policy.

Parents or guardians are responsible for: